team n. 1.(运动比赛的)队,团;工作队,工作组,作业班;一班[一组]工人。 2.(一起拖车子的)一队牲口,联畜,联兽。 3.(野鸭等的)群,同胎仔,一窝的雏。 4.牲口和所拉的车。 a basket-ball team 篮球队。 a team race 团体赛跑。 a team event 团体赛。 a football team 足球队。 an inspection team 视察小组。 vi. 协同工作,赶联畜;驾驶卡车。 vt. 把(牛马等)联套在车上;用联畜运;〔美国〕(将工作)交给承包人;使转包工作。 team up with 〔美国〕和…协作。
The development of new technology is dependent upon a cooperative, multidisciplinary team approach . 新技术的开发有赖于协作的、多学科的队伍来实现。
Application of focus team approach in the organizational research 焦点小组方法在组织研究中的应用
To adopt a whole - person , multi - disciplinary team approach 由综合专业队伍合力照顾长者的整体健康需要
To adopt a whole - person , multi - disciplinary team approach 由综合专业队伍合力照顾长者的整体健康需要
While a great many american firms have adopted " team approaches " in recent years success has been mixed 虽然最近几年许多美国公司已经采取“小组方式, ”但成效一直不明显。
We adopt multi - disciplinary team approach and promote intersectoral collaboration and community participation 由综合专业队伍合力推行长者健康服务,加强各界人士合作,鼓励市民参与。
The ultimate benefit of grandma ' s rule is teaching your child the win - win , team approach to meeting everyone ' s agenda 祖母规则的最终目的是教会你的孩子一种完成每个人的计划的双赢的群队方法。
Partnership in health : we adopt multi - disciplinary team approach and promote intersectoral collaboration and community participation 由综合专业队伍合力推行长者健康服务,加强各界人士合作,鼓励市民参与。
Characteristics : strong sense of urgency . meet deadlines . be able to work flexible hours . strong analytical and handwork skills . team approach to problem solving 个性特征:紧迫意识强,能在期限内完成任务,并能适应倒班。工作努力,分析能力强,并能在团队合作中解决问题。
Despite the high volume of work and demands for the performance of more tasks in a shorter period of time , companies are realizing the value of safety through the “ team approach ” in development of the job safety analysis 尽管在一个较短时间内的工作量很大,要求完成的任务很多,公司正在认识到通过团队一起进行工作安全分析的安全价值。